Paper submission

Manuscripts are to be submitted by email writing to Please, submit your manuscript in .doc or .docx format; notice that LaTex and PostScript figures are not supported at this time.

Manuscript preparation

All manuscripts should be typed with double line spacing on one side of the page only and wide margins, on numbered sheets. The titles must be in the original language, accompanied by an English translation. In every case, an abstract in English should accompany the abstract in the original language. The abstract has not exceed 200 words.
The classification according to the subjects listed in Purposes section will be appreciated. Name and surname, complete postal address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address of each author should be given on the first page of the manuscript.
References are to be consecutively numbered in the text using rounded parenthesis (square brackets are left to formulas and equations and written on the left of the page) and listed in the References at the end of paper. For papers of history of science the rules to be followed are those usually adopted in such a discipline.
The preferred languages are English and Italian. But papers in French, German and Spanish are also welcome.


Tables and Figures with their captions may be included in the text or put at the end of the manuscript.
Figures may be published in colour, if this is judged essential by the author. The author will bear part of extra costs involved.
Figures are to be as "clean" as possible, most of the lettering being put in the captions.

Author benefits

Publishing in Atti della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi is free.
The authors will receive 15 offprints free of charge (to be divided among the authors). An offprint order form will be supplied by the Publisher together with the galley proofs, for ordering of any additional paid offprints.


Download template

Microsoft® WordTM Template